LC Host
Dear AIESEC in Finland network:
Welcome from Westeros, the space of family bonding, inclusion, and personal development. In other words, welcome from LC Tampere, the family, who is hosting the upcoming SUCCESS’23. We are waiting for you on the 17-19th of March to gather together for deep sessions, fun activities, and building international community of like-minded people!
Our family welcomes everyone, who is passionate about leadership development, their AIESEC journey, and discovering Tampere! In the theme of Game of Thrones, the upcoming conference will unravel your true potential, provide you an opportunity to build long-lasting friendships, and teach you the Finnish way of approaching things. Let’s finish The Long Night and celebrate the unity of our heartwarming community!
Can’t wait to see you in Tampere!
The North remembers,
Dilnaz of House Winterfell
Save the date
Friday March 17th to Sunday March 19th , 2023
The conference will start first day at 3:30 PM and ends on third day at 4:00 PM , make sure to be available for the whole period before you register .
The Venue
Tampere University , Hervanta Campus
Korkeakoulunkatu 7 Kampusareena,
33720 Tampere
Tampereen yliopisto, Hervannan kampus
Conference Venue
Sleeping Venue
Forenom Apart hotel Tampere
Hämeenkatu 28, 33200 Tampere
You will need to cover transportation from Sleeping venue to conference venue. That would be 12-15euros for the whole conference
Transportation in the city is not covered
you can buy a ticket using a vending machine in the metro station or download Nysse app
What will you need ?
Warm Clothes
Its the snowing season ,and it will be really cold
Traditional & cultural items
Show case your home country in our global village,
food, clothes ,music , symbolics ...etc.
Bring your crown
Your best attitude to enjoy a mystical weekend!
Student ID
If you are a student, bring your ID with you
Random belonging
bring a random belonging that you have , stuffed animal, silly socks , a funny hat ..etc
Water bottle
let’s be sustainable
Point of Information:
All venues and facilities in Finland have heaters.
Accommodation will be provided but not covered if you require a sleeping place before and after the conference.